Artificial Christmas Trees: Sweet Treats to Compliment Decorating

Artificial Christmas Trees: Sweet Treats to Compliment Decorating

Those who are decorating their artificial Christmas trees often find that having a special sweet treat that everyone can dip into while decorating is a great tradition to have. While there are several Christmas sweets that people have whether this is sugar cookies or brownies, there is one sweet treat that is highly popular in the UK, but is also becoming a huge sweet treat throughout the world to have when decorating your artificial Christmas trees. What is this? Tunis Cake!

Artificial Christmas Trees: The Perfect Addition to Your Holiday Décor

So, what is a Tunis Cake? This is a Madeira sponge cake that has a thick layer of chocolate on the top and is then decorated with marzipan fruits for décor. It was thought that this cake first appeared around the Christmas season during WW1 at a time when finding fresh fruit was hard, but they still wanted something to celebrate Christmas with. It is made from readily available ingredients, so it was easy enough for everyone to start marking this as a sweet treat for their Christmas gatherings and other traditions.

You will find tons of recipes online that are for Tunis Cake, and you may even find that some bakeries have this on hand. So, go ahead and make this or purchase this for the time that you are going to decorate your artificial Christmas trees. While the kids may want to eat this while they are decorating, make this the special treat for after you have everything decorated.

Once the tree is complete, then cut slices for everyone, serve some hot chocolate, cider or even coffee with this while you all sit around and enjoy the fruits of your labor with a traditional cake that is known for being the Christmas cake. It is a tradition that will be carried on for many years to come.